We are happy to announce this week's #1inaMillion Golfer is 10-year-old Austin Susemihl from Junior Golf of Northwest Iowa in LeMars, Iowa.
Austin was nominated by his coach Daniel Gray. Daniel said Austin's dedication, determination, and performance are all outstanding! He continued, "The 1st 9 hole event Austin had the lowest score of the day for all of our 96 golfers, including several high school golfers, ages 15-17. Impressive start for this young man. He stays after class and helps me and the staff clean up and put our class tools away before he goes home. He also helps out during my college golf event at the club."
What a great young man and golfer! Setting an example for all of us on and off the golf course. Congratulations Austin!
The Operation 36 mission is to create 1 million new golfers over the next five years, and they want to help coaches with introducing new golfers to the game and retaining them for the long term. Now, the company will be sharing the stories of these tremendous golfers and their coaches with our wider community, using the #1inaMillion.