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Operation 36 Golf - A Division of Golf Genius LogoOperation 36 logo. 36 only

3 Tips If You Are Caddying For Your Junior Golfer

By Ryan Dailey, PGA
What Every Parent Needs to Know to Caddy for Junior Golfers As a parent, the happiest times of our day, week or year is when we get to spend quality time with our children. The problem is that when life gets in the way, it gets harder and harder to find time to do this. […]

Parents - It’s Time For A Change

By Ryan Dailey, PGA
As parents, we want activities that our kids participate in, to be fun and challenging. Our hope is that the environment will motivate them to develop a strong work ethic to want to improve their skills.   How exciting would it be for us as parents to come home after a long day of work and […]
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