Operation 36 Golf - A Division of Golf Genius Logo
Operation 36 Golf - A Division of Golf Genius LogoOperation 36 logo. 36 only

How to Become an Operation 36 Top 50 Coach

At Operation 36 Headquarters, we have some of the very best Teaching Golf Professionals in the world within our community. Every year, our network expands and see hundred of coaches who are providing an excellent golf program to their beginners.

Several years ago, we created the Top 50 Coach Award to recognize Coaches in our community who go 'above and beyond' for their golfers!

What sets our list apart from others is that we use quantitative measures to determine who is making the biggest impact on golf through their program. As you know, measuring progress is an essential component of the Operation 36 Golf Program.

That's why we evaluate coaches based on a variety of measurable activities. First, their use of formal 9-hole events throughout the year, as this allows your golfers to get real feedback from the course. Plus--they will soon fall in love with the "Magic of Golf"!

Next, we also analyze the application of the Operation 36 curriculum, as it is based on a player's development and finding the right "challenge point" for each stage. We also review coach's assessment of golfer's progress throughout the season, as we know golfers need consistent feedback to stay engaged and motivated to play golf.

Finally, we review the use of the Operation 36 app tools to encourage more practice and play. The more coaches are utilizing the app and tools, the more the golfers will practice.

Each year, we have seen a higher number of a record number of nominations, and it was the most challenging year yet to get on the list. If you want to be on the Top 50 List, we want to share the exact actions you need to complete to be competitive.

If you are an Operation 36 Coach who wants to be nominated for the Top 50 Golf Coach list, incorporate these activities into your daily coaching:

  • Run formal 9-hole events throughout the season and log them in the app;
  • Use the Operation 36 curriculum and mark skills complete in the app
  • Use reports to show your impact to your families and facility
  • Keep your classes page current with active classes
  • Encourage mobile app activity by liking and commenting on players' posts

Once you fill out the application, our team at HQ in North Carolina goes through an extensive research process to find the Top 50 coaches for the season. It's not an easy task, as facilities around the world are improving every year. But if you make the list, you'll be announced as an award winner in December through a press release. Good luck!

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