Operation 36 Golf - A Division of Golf Genius Logo
Operation 36 Golf - A Division of Golf Genius LogoOperation 36 logo. 36 only

Stephen Zaudtke

Congratulations to Stephen Zaudtke, of Zaudtke Golf at Wildhorse Golf Club in Denton, Texas, for capturing the Coach Impact Award for April 2024! Nominated by an astounding 20 of his enthusiastic golf students, Coach Stephen's impact is nothing short of electrifying! “Coach Stephen exemplifies the epitome of positivity and encouragement, igniting a passion for golf in young hearts and minds. Through his unwavering dedication, he fosters not just skill development but a profound love for the game, nurturing future champions who will carry the spirit of golf throughout their lives.” Tiffany W. Coach Stephen's unwavering dedication and ability to make golf fun and intriguing, coupled with his passion for teaching and nurturing both skills and personal growth, inspires and encourages children and adult golfers alike, fostering a profound love for the game and creating a supportive environment where everyone feels included, appreciated, and motivated to excel, making him a phenomenal coach cherished by families for his positive influence on their children's lives.
Read what students are saying below
The Impact
“Coach Stephen engages with today’s youth by meeting them on their level, showing the joy and fun of the sport while showcasing realistic drills and measurable goals to keep them excited. He truly understand kids and a true leader for today’s youth.”

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